Learn to Detect to Proect


Our Mission

At Impairment Detection Consulting, we are passionate about promoting safer roads and communities by equipping individuals and organizations with the tools to detect and prevent drug and alcohol impairment. Founded by two police officers with over 30 years of combined experience in DUI enforcement and education, we offer specialized training in drug impairment detection to law enforcement officers, prosecutors, schools, and private organizations across the country.

While our initial primary focus was on providing continuing education for law enforcement, we recognize the need for effective impairment detection strategies in other settings, such as schools and private businesses. As such, we have developed customized courses that empower supervisors and administrators to recognize drug and alcohol impairment among their students and employees.

Our instructors bring a high level of experience and expertise to every training session, drawing on their firsthand knowledge of DUI law and procedure, as well as advanced techniques for identifying drug and alcohol impairment. We are committed to providing the most up-to-date training and resources available, so that individuals and organizations can make informed decisions that keep their schools and workplaces safe.

What We've Achieved

  • Our instructors are certified through the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) as Drug Recognition Experts.

  • Our experienced instructors are responsible for delivering high-quality training on drug impairment recognition to thousands of individuals, including police officers, workplace supervisors, and school staff personnel.

  • Our instructors have been qualified as expert witnesses in a variety of impaired driving court cases.

  • We offer customized training courses for employers to help them recognize signs of drug or alcohol impairment in the workplace.

  • We create customized training courses to help school staff recognize signs of drug impairment in students, as well as educate them on current drug use trends that may be impacting schools across the country.